MSPs Vs. MSSPs | Cybersecurity Protection | Ohio CPA Firm-安全的赌博软件

Managed Service Providers Vs. Managed Security Service Providers: How Do They Differ?Now Available On-Demand!

When: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: GoToWebinar
Hosted By: Rea & Associates
Presented By:


MSPs Vs. MSSPs: What's The Difference?

With an increase in remote work worldwide, data security measures should be top of mind. Ensuring your IT systems are operational, and your data and systems are safe, secure, and compliant should be one of your organization's top priorities. Unfortunately, many businesses, organizations, and entities mistakingly believe that their systems are completely protected by the existing relationships owners have developed with their managed service providers. That's not necessarily the case. Join Rea & Associates' Cybersecurity Services Team for a free, hour-long webinar taking a deep dive into understanding the difference between your Managed Service Providers (MSP) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP). Our cyber professionals will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to MSPs vs. MSSPs.

Shawn Richardson and Jorn Baxstrom, a cyber consultant with the firm, experts in the MSSP space, will provide you with insight into the differences of each role. Additionally, they will provide insight that will help you choose the right vendors and third-party service providers when it comes to protecting your organization, employees, and clients.

What You'll Learn About MSPs Vs. MSSPs

Plan to sit in on this informative session. Attendees will ...

  • Be treated to a deep dive into the differences between Managed Service Providers and Managed Security Service Providers.
  • Gain an understanding of your MSSPs role and where they provide support for your security program.
  • Discover what the CIA Triad is and why is it important for your organization's cybersecurity infrastructure.?
  • And so much more ...

View The Recording

If you would like to attend this presentation for a deeper insight into MSSPs and how they are different from MSPs, complete the short form below. You will receive a copy of the presentation and additional presentation resources via email. If you have questions during the presentation or after, you can reach out to Shawn and/or Jorn directly, or you can fill out the contact us form via the button on the top, right of all pages on

This webinar was recorded on Tuesday, June 21, 2021, and was accurate at the time it was originally broadcast. Since then, changes may have occurred. For the most up-to-date information, please contact your Rea & Associates advisor.

More Resources For Business Protection

Looking for additional insight that will help you prevent bad actors from stealing your data and infiltrating your organization's cyber infrastructure? Check out these resources:

[PODCAST] MSP Versus MSSP: What's The Difference

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Are You Managing Your Cybersecurity Risk Exposure?

[ARTICLE] What Does The IT Department Do?